Trisight LLC.

About the Emerald Eco-Label EPD Tool


What are Environmental Product Declarations?

An Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is a Type III Environmental Label as defined in ISO Standard 14025:2006, Environmental Labels and Declarations.

EPDs communicate the environmental impacts of a product or service using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). The process used to develop an EPD ensures consistent data collection, analysis and reporting requirements, supported by third party verification. This ensures the reliability of the information communicated through an EPD. Typically an EPD development process adheres to various international standards; chief among them is the ISO 14025 standard.

What does the NAPA EPD program intend to do?

The goal of the Emerald Eco-label EPD program is to provide comprehensive, credible, and comparable environmental data to customers (engineers, specifiers, users, and producers) that may be used in future pavement epds. epds published through the program will allow decision makers to make informed comparisons among asphalt mixtures and ingredients with the goal of improving the environmental impact of pavements. Emerald Eco-label program will help standardize industry specific LCA assumptions, allowing for credible and transparent reporting.

The EPD produced by this tool complies with the NAPA Product Category Rule for asphalt mixtures.

Who can use this tool?

Asphalt plant owners, producers, contractors anybody who is a supplier in the asphalt materials industry and intends to communicate the cradle-to-gate environmental impacts of their asphalt mixtures using an EPD.

How can this tool be used?

Please create an account following the link in the side bar menu. Then follow each of the steps as indicated to develop a profile of energy use for your asphalt plant, the distances traveled by raw materials coming into your plant, and the design information for mixtures you intend to get an EPD for.

Can I trust this tool with proprietary energy use data and mix design information?

All information provided to this tool is available only to Trisight LLC., and will only be used as input for the calculation of the EPD and as anonymized input into aggregated industry analyses. Raw data is secure and will not be shared with anybody else, including NAPA.